SMD Transistors
A three terminal semiconductor electronic device is called transistor. Transistors are widely used in electronic appliances such as computers, radio,audio video equipment, bio medical instrument etc.A transistor is a three layer semiconductor which consist a very thin central layer of one type of semiconductor material sandwiched between two relatively thick layer of second type.A transistor is a semiconductor device used to amplify or switch electronic signals and electrical power. It is composed of semiconductor material usually with at least three terminals for connection to an external circuit.
General Pupose transistros
We keep stock wide range of Transistors of sizes DPAK, SOT223, SOT23, SOT323, SOT363, SOT523, SOT563, SOT89, SuperSOT-6, TO-92………..
High Power, High Voltage Transistors
We keep stock wide range of Transistors of sizes DPAK, SOT223, SOT23, SOT323, SOT363, SOT523, SOT563, SOT89, SuperSOT-6, TO-92………
Digital Transistor
We keep stock wide range of Transistors of sizes DPAK, SOT223, SOT23, SOT323, SOT363, SOT523, SOT563, SOT89, SuperSOT-6, TO-92………
Darligton Transistor
We keep stock wide range of Transistors of sizes DPAK, SOT223, SOT23, SOT323, SOT363, SOT523, SOT563, SOT89, SuperSOT-6, TO-92………